Professional Training & Coaching - Thaliparamba, Kerala, India
(PS: This page is created by an alumni, please click on (Learn More) to check our FB page for an official contact or more information.Algeria Model United Nations ( Model UN or AMUN) is an academic simulation of the United Nations that aims to educate participants about current events, topics in international relations, diplomacy and the United Nations agenda. It's organized independently by youth and for youth, the Organizing Committee is composed of qualified Youth profiles across the regions who assume the role of Algeria Model UN Secretariat.Algeria Model United Nations known as AlgeriaMUN is an educational program, its activities are organized independently by E.U.R.L MOUBADARAT EL DJAZAIR (مؤسسة مبادرة الجزائر) for trainings development and consulting, which covers organizing the following:1. A yearly annual conference edition.2. Open days in different cities.3. Special Algeria MUN sessions.4. Algeria MUN Leaders-Academy.5. Algerian Youth forum.6. Algeria MUN sessions for kids.Our Vision: "To see a connected youth-generation who communicate peacefully and efficiently."Our Missions:· Train and encourage students to develop and explore their inter-personal communication skills and respect others' opinion.· Bring the Algerian Youth Students together to discuss and learn how to debate.· Increase the participation of Algerian youth and students in extracurricular activities to create a positive impact in our society.· Spread the culture of peace and values of tolerance among the Algerian youth.· Encourages people to people diplomacy.Follow us : #AlgeriaMUN #DzairYouth