Mental Health Care - Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Are you feeling…-Stuck in your situation and unsure what direction to take-Stressed, overwhelmed, burnt-out or anxious-Difficulty falling or staying asleep, becoming easily started, hypervigilance and edginess, rapid heartbeat, unexplained aches and pains, sexual dysfunction, altered eating patterns, muscle tension, and extreme exhaustion-Overwhelmed with intrusive thoughts, nightmares, and flashbacks of the event, confusion, difficulty with memory and concentration, and mood swings-You are a perfectionist that needs to get everything right and you have an inner critic that is wreaking havoc in your lifeWe work with you to get to the root causes of your symptoms so you can heal. We help you establish a connection with your needs, values, emotions, strengths, Stress, worry, fatigue, fears and self-doubt are symptoms trying to get your attention. We are here to help you pay attention to those symptoms to help you move forward. We align with you, to help you find the alignment within.
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