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Alignment Academy isn't out to change your mind, so to speak. Our goal is to give you access to ideas and information, perspective shifts and practices so felt in the body, so recognized within that it compels you to take bolder, more courageous steps along your authentic path. Why? And what does that mean?We're creating a space where education is a path that students are dedicated to, rather than the attainment of a piece of paper. AA is a place of inner dedication— to discover and express the greatest and most honest version of what we as individuals can be.We understand that each and every one of us has a mission. Our highest actualization and our greatest happiness lies in living a life in alignment with that Blueprint. We get to examine our limited beliefs about who we are and what we're capable of, often passed down by people living a shadow of their dreams. And throughout this, we discover a still, small voice that resides within— one that gets louder the more we listen. Little by little, we Remember who we truly are and what we came to do.The work of un-learning and Remembering is a tandem journey, taken not in a linear fashion but at once. As we grow, our capacity to serve grows; we stop focusing on our survival and start focusing on ideas about healing our planet, transitioning our economy, and collectively building a more connected world. Our ability to share our genius grows. We want share with others. And the learning continues. Browse your way to our platform where we're delighted to facilitate conversations that encourage you to express what you think and how you feel, and then go beyond to inquire why you think and feel that way. And we're honored to provide a place not where you are shaped into a standard form, but encouraged to discover, uncover, Remember, and fully express who you truly are.
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