Internet - Neuilly-sur-Seine, Île-de-France, France
Vous cherchez à rentrer en contact avec des personnes pour partager des activités dans la vie réelle?Allez sur http:// pour découvrir notre service gratuit.Looking for a way to get in touch with people to share activities in real life? Head over to http:// to discover our free allow you to share leisure activities in real life.Find a tennis partner near you, other curious people to see an exhibition or other fans to go to a concert.All-Together is a start-up of the new sharing economy. Now, beyond goods, with All-Together, share experiences! It's free, it's a simple and convenient experiences, it's price-savvy (the more you are, the less you pay with All-Together partners such like gym rooms, restaurants or bars)...and of course, it's more fun!On top of that, All-Together brings visibility, trafic and turnover to its partners.The All-Together solution is also available for big corporation as a human ressources / internal communication tool to let the employees meet and share leisure activities.All-Together has been the winner of several major prizes & award:* 2013 winner of Réseau Entreprendre (networks of CEO that supports promising new businesses)* 2013 winner of Graines de Boss (national competition to select the top 3 young entrepreneurs)