Think Tanks - Roswell, New Mexico, United States
The Academy of Leadership and Micro-Innovation (ALMI.Academy) is the positive answer to the high cost and excessive time associated with traditional higher education. The programs combine over 40 years of experience, training, education, and passion for small business with the latest technology to provide aspiring Micro-Innovators and Professionals with the training and tools to create, launch, and grow a micro-business. Exec. Director, Kevin L. Maevers has created a curriculum that centers upon the concept of Life/Work-Alignment for creating a business that excites, inspires, and provides the opportunity for Success and Prosperity by developing the participant's natural talents and abilities. There are three programs in the Micro-Innovator Mastery Series:1. Micro-Innovator Apprentice Program (MAP)2. Micro-Innovator Practitioner Program (MPP)3. Micro-Innovator Mastery Program (MMP)For those struggling with finding the right balance between life and work, a 10-week Micro-Life Program (MLP) is in development with a launch date of January 2022.Purpose of the programs: To provide the aspiring Micro-Innovator with the Tools and Skills that will:IDENTIFY the barriers to Success on Individual TermsEMPOWER the individualUNLEASH the SPIRIT of Creativity & InnovationPROVIDE a platform for Collaboration and EngagementENABLE participants to create an individualized pathway to achieve personal and professional goals based upon a unique definition of SUCCESS and PROSPERITY.CREATE the Next Generation of Innovative Community and Small-Business LeadersMethodology: The Micro-Innovator Mastery Series is an updated and enhanced version of the time-tested methods of developing individual skills and unique abilities of each participant. The structured format will empower the individual and provide an opportunity for upward mobility from the level of Apprentice, to skilled Practitioner, to becoming a Master within the individual's vocation, profession, or trade.