Financial Services - Sunnybank Hills, Queensland, Australia
Our customers are typically considering or implementing some form of enterprise software solution. They are hoping it will deliver the productivity they need. They are, rightly, nervous about the time, cost and risk involved in the delivery of this solution. They ask for our help in getting the implementation "dressed for success".Our mission is based on the fact that enterprise software solutions are not delivering. Happily, the world does not have to be this way.Our approach is to empower your team to get the job done. Success is very achievable.In our experience, the hallmarks to success are:1. Clear requirements2. Selection of the right applications3. Iterative delivery4. A team prepared to implement the solution5. The right ALM tools6. A business ready to take the solutionWe help you set up. We help you set your tools up. We put accelerators and training into your project teams. And then we get out of the way.
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