Investment Management - Milan, Lombardy, Italy
Alternative Capital Partners SGR Spa (ACP SGR) è una Società di Gestione del Risparmio italiana sotto soglia di Fondi di Investimento Alternativo (GEFIA), autorizzata nel 2018 e vigilata da Banca d'Italia e Consob.Fondata da un qualificato e affermato team di professionisti, ACP SGR nasce con la missione di coniugare sostenibilità, innovazione ed investimenti alternativi ad elevato impatto sull'ambiente e sull'economia reale, integrando i principi ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) nei propri processi di investimento e gestione in asset classes quali il Private Capital ed il Private Equity Real Estate. Membro dal 2018 di UN-PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment), associazione internazionale che insieme alle Nazioni Unite promuove le ESG best practices per gli investimenti responsabili. ***Alternative Capital Partners SGR Spa (ACP SGR) is an Italian asset management firm in Alternative Investment Funds (AIFM), authorized and supervised by the Bank of Italy and Consob. Founded by a qualified and accomplished team of professionals, ACP SGR was established with the mission of combining sustainability, innovation and alternative investments having a significant impact on the environment & real economy, integrating ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) principles into its investments and management procedures in asset classes such as Private Capital and Private Equity Real Estate. Member since 2018 of UN-PRI (Principles of Responsible Investments), the international association which, in joint with the United Nations, promotes the best practices in sustainable and responsible investing.
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