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Custom Manufacturing Continuous Improvement Software, Systems, and Solutions. Let us ease your burden and bottom-line while moving into 21st-century technologies, plus you will have a guaranteed partner in your corner right here in the rust belt.Custom Manufacturing Continuous Improvement Software, Systems, and Solutions. Let us ease your burden and bottom-line while moving into 21st-century technologies and having a guaranteed partner in your corner from right here in the Rust Belt.1. Manufacturing Equipment Data Extraction.2. Custom FACTORY OEE solutions with add-ons and abilities most teams could only Dream Of.3. Redundant tooling, lights out machining and 24/7 manufacturing assistance and solutions.4. High Visibility Dashboarding and Brilliant Factory solutions.5. Leverage Our In-house Cloud and Data Solutions: along with our personal life long dedication to pragmatic, sustainable, leading-edge science and technology that can and will help local Manufacturing, Businesses, and Economies be the Future OUR Communities, Children, World, and Possible Legacy demands!!!We are 45+ years of Manufacturing Improvement Vision, Successes and Knowledge at Your 24/7 disposal.Rust never sleeps, but we can once we have Sacrificed Everything!
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