Medical Devices - San Diego, California, United States
Amenity Health was founded in 2011 by retired physician Carl Melcher, M.D., a well respected doctor in the San Diego, California area and former UCSD medical professor. In addition to his medical expertise, he is also an entrepreneur with success in the technology and medical industries. Carl has been a life-long sufferer from chronic acid reflux or GERD (Gastroesphageal Reflux Disease). With the desire to resolve his own condition, as well as help the millions of others who also suffer, he hypothesized that, if done properly, positional therapy could be an effective treatment option for the disease. Partnering with talented engineers and designers, Carl and the design team began developing what is now known today as MedCline and put positional therapy for GERD back on the map.After several years of thorough and rigorous development, MedCline was clinically verified by former AGA president, Donald O Castell, M.D. using an impedance/PH study. Dr. Castell and his team found MedCline to be far superior at reducing acid exposure than a traditional bed wedge. Later that year, Scott Gabbard, M.D. of Cleveland Clinic approached Amenity Health interested in testing the MedCline reflux relief system using validated quality of life questionnaires, designed to specifically tabulate nocturnal GERD symptoms. The results from these studies were overwhelmingly positive, showing better score improvements than a leading proton-pump inhibitor (PPI) drug for which the questionnaires were originally drafted. To date, MedCline has been evaluated in 6 clinical trials with for varying sub-populations of GERD patients suffering with nocturnal symptoms.Amenity Health aims to make MedCline available to all GERD sufferers, particularly those looking for alternative or supplemental options. Our mission is to provide much needed relief for those suffering from nocturnal acid reflux and heartburn to get quality, restorative sleep leading to a higher health-related quality of life.
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