Human Resources - , ,
Business Recruiting Services\\For over fifteen years, our firm has been the preferred recruiting company for businesses and law firms across the country. Industry leaders turn to American Consulting Company when they need top quality candidates for their specific positions. \\The Right Recruiter for your Hiring Needs\\Our excellent reputation is the result of exceeding client expectations year after year. We value our client's time; unlike some other recruiting companies, we will not send you dozens of resumes to review. We will develop an in depth understanding of your firm and hiring needs to identify highly qualified, motivated candidates who will exceed your expectations. \\Our Guarantee\ \Our process guarantees that you will only review candidates that meet or exceed your hiring criteria. Each candidate file will be presented with the candidate resume, our full interview notes, our assessment of the candidates' strengths and weaknesses, their motivations for considering a career change and their compensation history. Our firm guarantees every hire you make utilizing our services; if the hire doesn't work out, we will replace the candidate.