American Diversified Energy Consulting Services Details
Address: 1200 G Street, NW, Suite 800, Washington, DC 20005Telephone: 202-750-0007American Diversified Energy is a consulting company. Its acronym, ADE, is pronounced "aid" since that is what we do. Our goal is to help you excel at what you want to do. Our team includes subject matter experts in a wide range of biotech fields, as well as corporate executives, technology developers, engineers, entrepreneurs, financing specialists, marketing experts, strategic planners, publication specialists, and former senior-level administrators of federal government agencies. Here's what we do:Find Grants | Win RFPs & Bids | Increase Business | Create Attention-Getting Business Plans and Annual Reports | Conduct Market Analysis | Create, Improve Upon, and Prepare Financial Presentations | Conduct Feasibility Studies | Carry Out Due Diligence | Provide Engineering Assistance | Assist with Technology Development and Commercialization | Provide Government Relations Services
20 - 49
Washington, DC, US
Not Available
Create Responses to Win RFPs
Find Grants
Prepare Grant
Loan & Loan Guarantee Applications
Submit Bids
Arrange Funding for Infrastructure Improvements
Conduct Feasibility Studies
Write Business Plans
Create and/or Review & Improve Financial Models
Prepare Financial Presentations
Produce Annual Reports
Build Business Cases
Perform Market Analysis
Design & Build Commercial- and Utility-Scale Solar Power Systems
Design & Build Commercial Aquaponics Growing Systems
Assistance with New Technology Development
Piloting & Commercialization
Engineering Support & Assistance
Government Relations
Partner Firms: Financing
Engineering & Design
Permittting & Environmental Compliance
Energy Law Team
Loan & Loan Guarantee Applications
Create and/or Review & Improve Financial Models
Design & Build Commercial- and Utility-Scale Solar Power Systems
Design & Build Commercial Aquaponics Growing Systems
Piloting & Commercialization
Engineering Support & Assistance
Engineering & Design
Permittting & Environmental Compliance