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AMG & Associates, LLC (AMG) is a mid-size land development company that specializes in the development of rental housing in California and other western states. Our philosophy is to capitalize on the added value created through assembling the most qualified and trustworthy development and capital partners. We believe that the highest yields are achieved through land acquisitions that have been overlooked by developers and investors that do not have the risk appetite for complex land entitlements and financing. AMG principals are involved in all aspects of the development process in which all of its projects involve an institutional capital partner and an experienced development partner. In every land development project that AMG develops, it takes the land acquisition entitlement risk, develops the financing plan, selects the most qualified development partner and capital partner, and then oversees the project until the final permanent loan conversion and/or sale. Other land development transactions involve joint ventures with land owners or ventures with municipal agencies. To date, AMG has developed over 3,600 units with a total project cost of over $450MM, partnering with its strategic development partners in 55 limited partnerships. Through extensive due-diligence, experience and its own capital at risk, AMG minimizes its capital partners' land development risks.
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