Hospital & Health Care - Santa Clarita, California, United States
Amida Hospice Care, Inc. is a California-based home care agency providing nursing services in homes, skilled and residential facilities to terminally ill individuals. Amida Hospice Care, Inc. is licensed and accredited by The Department of Health Services and The Joint Commission. Our caregivers are knowledgeable and dedicated to serve patients and their families. Hospice Medical Directors, Physicians, Nurses, Social Workers, Home Health Aides, Spiritual Advisers and trained Volunteers work as a professional team to provide end of life care. Amida Hospice Care, Inc.'s multidisciplinary team focuses on providing comfort, pain relief and symptoms management when a cure is not possible.Amida Hospice Care, Inc's missions statement is to provide the highest quality services to terminally ill patients and their families. The primary goal is to achieve physical, emotional and spiritual comfort. We strive to empower the patients and their loved ones by providing them with the tools, information and support needed to make the right decisions. Amida Hospice Care, Inc. believes that patients should be involved in the decision-making process that determines how their end-of-life care is provided.