Mining & Metals - Perth, Western Australia, Australia
AML specialises in testwork and flowsheet development using physical separation processes and has extensive experience in mineral sands. AML has access to a wide range of physical separation equipment that allows test programmes to be completed for a diverse range of orebodies and minerals, including titanium and zirconium mineral sands, iron ore, rare earths, garnet, wolframite and tantalite.AML's experience and facilities allow it to add value to projects by providing critical thinking in flowsheet design supported by practical experience in the application of the technology.The understanding that AML has of the markets for these mineral products ensures that flowsheets are designed that maximise the value that can be derived from an orebody.AML is capable of assessing orebodies starting with the characterisation of bulk run-of-mine (ROM) samples that can be processed through to saleable finished products. AML has an extensive range of separation equipment from multiple vendors providing the flexibility to trial a range of alternative processing flowsheet and equipment options for any sample.AML also has the expertise and equipment to undertake small-scale testwork to assess separation characteristics and equipment efficiency for small exploration samples, providing vital information at an early stage for clients' projects.In conjunction with our parent company, TZ Minerals International, AML's services also include full feasibility assessment and market acceptance studies.
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