Management Consulting - New York, New York, United States
Project Management & Production (Creative, Photography & Digital Content)
My enthusiasm for learning, technology, design—and storytelling with images and audio—has led me to multiple areas of focus, including:▫️ Digital Production Workflows▫️ Photography▫️ Project ManagementHow I Can Fit▫️ Creative Manager▫️ E-Learning Module / Course Builder (Production)▫️ Photography Manager▫️ Project Manager▫️ Visual ArtistWays I Can Help You IncludeProject Management▫️ Artwork & Creative Services Traffic▫️ Off-line General Administration▫️ Style Guide DocumentationE-Commerce Photography Production▫️ Color Matching & Swapping (Colorways)▫️ Creative Asset Management (DAM)▫️ Merchandising Workflow (Order-To-Launch)▫️ Photography Studio Operations (In-house)▫️ Retouching & Path Clipping▫️ Tabletop Product Capture (Styling & Art Direction)Front End Website Production▫️ Content Creation & Maintenance▫️ Template Assembly (PSD-to-CMS Building)Industry Experience▫️ Apparel & Fashion▫️ Freelance Consulting▫️ Internet-based Services▫️ Photography▫️ VoiceoverReach out to have me join your staff permanently or on a contract basis.......Additional Ways I Can Help Your Team■ Amy Cerenzi VoiceoversHelping People Tell Brand Stories With AudioRequest a custom audition at cerenzi [dot] com......DisclaimerContent associated with this "company page" originates from the jurisdiction of The United States in the spirit of free speech as granted by The United States Constitution / Bill Of Rights and is for entertainment, artistic expression, informational, journalism and educational purposes only.Any "digital footprint" which may be associated (directly or indirectly) with my "online presence" on or off this platform should NOT be construed as the "viewpoint" or opinion of any "private" or "public" "business", "organization", "office" or "institution" with which I may be affiliated as a previous, current or future employee or independent consultant.