Computer Software - Ramallah, ,
About UsAnaBasalli (AB) is a worship app and Muslim social network. With AB users have the ability to more efficiently manage their worship duties and socialize, connect, and collaborate with other users regarding Islam in a totally new way anywhere, anytime, and on any device. With AB, users can now join millions of Muslims around the world that are now able to connect with their community in real time. Currently:There are 1.6 billion Muslims around the world, yet Muslims are physically and socially separated.Muslims have rigorous religious prayer duties, yet they don't have a mechanism to track & monitor those duties.A lot of these duties are communal, yet they do not have an efficient way to coordinate, discover & communicate (e.g. find a place to pray in a foreign city).AB is the first innovation of its kind. The sharing and social networking features allow the users to engage with each other in a united way and influence and encourage others in the community to participate. Muslims are supposed to be communally united; AB facilitates that unity in the online world!