Venture Capital & Private Equity - San Francisco, California, United States
Anchor Taiwan is a platform for corporates, startups and investors to harness ecosystem building and venture capital for cross-border innovation. Since its inception in 2017, it has been a powerful conduit between the world and Asia, providing corporate advisory, business softlanding, and strategic venture investing..Through highly curated entrepreneurial residency programs, innovation sprints, hundreds of tech events and roundtables, it has brought together thousands of innovators, hosting global leaders from Y Combinator, 500 Startups, UBS, Deutsche Telekom, Warner Bros., Uber, Microsoft, Intel and such from 15+ countries. Its Women in Venture network consists of over 100 female investors in Taiwan, while the Corporate Venturing Roundtables have connected executives from 60+ leading corporates..Through these dedicated efforts, it forms thriving communities, develops unique access for meaningful collaboration, and accumulates deep expertise about innovation stakeholders for effective strategies.Find out more: anchortaiwan.comAnchor Taiwan 透過商業對接、社群交流和文化體驗,吸引國際新創和科技人才在台駐點 30 天,提升台灣的能見度,並增加廠商合作和資金人才往來的機會。目前已經參訪配合過的企業及社群夥伴包含宏達電、光寶、緯創、雪豹科技、大型加速器 MOX、AppWorks、Girls in Tech、TAVAR、工研院快制中心、外貿協會等等。成立至今,Anchor Taiwan 已經帶進全球加速器龍頭 Y Combinator 以及 500 Startups 投資的團隊,以及來自華納兄弟 (Warner Bros.)、德國電信 (Deutsche Telekom)、瑞銀 (UBS) 等國際人才,舉辦過的科技論壇以及創業沙龍含括物聯網、設計思考、群眾募資、農業科技、教育、虛擬實境、循環經濟等。更多訊息
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