Anglicare Australia

Non-Profit - Ainslie, Australian Capital Territory, AU

Anglicare Australia Details

Anglicare Australia is a peak social advocacy organisation that brings together over 40 individual member agencies from around Australia. We are joined by our associate members in New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Singapore. Each of these members is an independent organisation choosing to come together as a part of the national network matching local presence with national strengths. The network provids services in over 50 different areas with growing and emerging services including community education, suicide prevention programs, and environmental sustainability programs. Across the network in Australia, 13,769 staff and 7,403 volunteers support 421,961 clients. Working together we are better able to understand the factors that contribute to deprivation and disadvantage; develop best practice principles in supporting individuals and families to overcome these barriers; and to help the community understand that, without its support, these issues will remain intractable. Anglicare Australia advocates at a national level on behalf of those individuals and families who access the services provided by the network members in a bid to change the system for the better and to help politicians understand that without this change, life for people living on the edge of our society may never improve. From Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory to Kingston, Tasmania, from Bondi to Bunbury, Anglicare member agencies are committed to caring for people in need and seeking social justice for all.

Anglicare Australia logo, Anglicare Australia contact details
Employees: 41
Location: Ainslie, Australian Capital Territory, AU
Revenue: Not Available
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Are you looking for contact information for Anglicare Australia? You've come to the right place! At, we provide AI-based B2B lead generation products that can help you connect with the right people at Anglicare Australia. Our database contains millions of company information across the globe, including contact details for key personnel at Anglicare Australia. Whether you're looking to collaborate, donate, or seek assistance, we can help you get in touch with the right people. Our SEO-focused approach ensures that our content ranks high in search engines, making it easy for you to find the contact information you need. By focusing on keyword-rich content, we can help you quickly and easily connect with people working in Anglicare Australia. So why wait? Use to find the contact information you need and reach out to Anglicare Australia today!

Anglicare Australia is a peak social advocacy organization that brings together over 40 individual member agencies from across the country. Based in Ainslie, Australian Capital Territory, the organization is committed to caring for people in need and seeking social justice for all. With a network of services spanning over 50 different areas, including community education, suicide prevention programs, and environmental sustainability programs, Anglicare Australia provides support to 421,961 clients through its 13,769 staff and 7,403 volunteers. Working together, Anglicare Australia and its member agencies are better able to understand the factors that contribute to deprivation and disadvantage, develop best practice principles in supporting individuals and families, and advocate for systemic change at a national level. The organization's commitment to social justice is reflected in its advocacy efforts, which aim to raise awareness among politicians and the community about the need for change to improve the lives of people living on the edge of society. With a presence that spans from Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory to Kingston, Tasmania, and from Bondi to Bunbury, Anglicare Australia is a powerful force for good, working towards a more equitable and just society for all.

Anglicare Australia is a group of organizations that work together to help people in need. They have members in Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, and Singapore. Each member organization is independent, but they work together to provide services in many different areas, like education, suicide prevention, and environmental sustainability. They have a lot of staff and volunteers who help many people. They also try to change the system to make it better for people who are struggling. They advocate for these people at a national level, so that politicians can understand the issues and make positive changes. Anglicare member agencies are committed to caring for people and seeking justice for all, no matter where they are in Australia.

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