Events Services - Richmond, Virginia, United States
+ ABOUT ANIMAL +ANIMAL is a creative collective. We are DJs, musicians, artists, and everything in between. Together we produce queer-friendly events throughout Richmond by assembling eclectic, often eccentric, collaborators. We like to raise money for charity when we can by organizing shows, dance parties, and other fun happenings! Come out & play with the Animals of RVA! We won't bite unless you ask us to... ANIMAL is devoted to creating safer spaces within our community. Sexism. Misogny. Racism. Transphobia. Homophobia. And general hatefulness are never welcome. Respect differences. Always practice consent. If a situation arises that makes you feel unsafe or you witness something that compromises the wellbeing of others, don't hesitate to alert an ANIMAL organizer and/or howl at us via social media.Please contact us at if you are interested in participating in one of our regular events as a charity/good cause, volunteer, performer, or sponsor! For those with Instagram, add AnimalRVA at those with Twitter, follow us at those on Tumblr, follow us at + ARTICLES +Style Weekly: Magazine: