Renewables & Environment - , ,
In February 2007 ANJI technology Co., Ltd. was established in Tainan Technology Industrial Park. With population increasing, more and more countries becoming industrialized and the global demand of energy increasing, nowadays renewable energy becomes more and more important. ANJI has a strong and experienced team for continuously developing and improving our equipments and process of the production. Our goals will expect to achieve 100% automatic production line, high quality and 0% of defect. In order to satisfy our customers' need, ANJI controls strictly the quality of the productsField Of Our Operation:1. More than 50MW solar power plants under build-own-operate business model till the end of 2016.2. c-Si Solar Module (Mono/Poly) technology development & manufacturing;3. Double Glass Solar Module technology development & manufacturing;4. BIPV (Build Integration Photovoltaic) Solar Module technology development & manufacturingCustomize Solar Module manufacturing;5. Stainless CIGS cell technology and manufacturing process development.ANJI Technologは太陽光発電新エネの開発、販売を一体化した企業で、台湾太陽光発電新エネ製造工場のうち最も活力溢れ、最も潜在力の強い一員として活躍しています。弊社は太陽光発電モジュール、太陽発電運用製品の研究と開発、製造事業を専門に扱い、UL、TUV、CE、ISO9001、IEC61215、IEC61730などの品質標準を厳守しております。台湾での大手OEM制作など豊富な実績とバックボーンで日本の未来を明るく照らすANJI Technologyが本社。 安集科技股份有限公司於2007年2月正式成立於台南市科技工業園區,在全球自然資源日漸減少,未來替代能源逐漸萌芽的同時,安集科技也開始邁向太陽能光電產業成為世界能源的一份子。我們並不斷研發改善生產設備與製程,目標達到100%自動化生產製程,100%的妥善率,0%的不良率。一貫化的生產作業系統,對品質嚴謹控管,努力踏實的做好每一步,為的就是滿足客戶的需求。安集科技業務核心,主要以晶矽太陽能模組封裝,並持續開發多元化應用產品、以及建築BIPV產品等,更致力於開創未來科技環保新生活。安集科技股份有限公司 ANJI TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD709 台南市安南區科技五路19號 NO. 19 KEJI 5 TH RD., ANNAN DISTRICT, TAINAN 709, TAIWAN.電話: +886-6-5105988 傳真: +886-6-5105989
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