Higher Education - Ankara, Ankara, Turkey
The Faculty of Engineering, together with some departments whose roots date back to 1933s, was established as a separate Faculty with the decision of the Higher Education Council dated 30/04/2001, and gained a new status and vision as the Faculty of Engineering. Today, with the "Young Faculty, Rooted History" slogan, having 9 undergraduate departments that provides education to engineers of future. In addition, it contributes to graduate education with 16 departments. In the Engineering Faculty, which serves the society by providing original contributions to science and technology; competitive, innovative, professional and ethical responsibility, team-compatible engineers who expand the boundaries of knowledge with the freedom of thought and responsibility are being educated.Our faculty has a total of 9 departments and 16 programs. It provides education in Computer, Biomedical, Electrical-Electronics, Energy, Physics, Food, Geophysics, Geology and Chemical Engineering departments. In addition to undergraduate engineering education, MSc and PhD studies are carried out in the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. The Physics and Chemical Engineering departments of the Faculty are located at the Beşevler 10. Yıl Kampüsü (10th Year Campus) of the University and are shared with the Faculty of Science building. Computer, Biomedical, Electrical-Electronics, Energy, Food, Geophysical and Geological Engineering Departments serve in the Gölbaşı 50th Year Campus of the University. Computer, Biomedical, Electrical-Electronics, Energy, Food, Geophysics and Geology Engineering Departments serve in the Gölbaşı 50th Year Campus of the University.