Sports Clubs/Sports Entertainment - Annandale, VA, US
Annandale Boys' & Girls' Club, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, (more commonly known for marketing purposes as Annandale Boys & Girls Club or ABGC) providing recreational and competitive multi-sport activities for youth in the Northern Virginia area. The club has been operating since 1959 from its main office in downtown Annandale. The club also operates a Bingo Hall on Friday and Saturday nights in nearby Alexandria and has a Sports Center in Springfield, VA. The club has produced seven national championship soccer teams, as well as many state and regional championship teams. Soccer programs for youth Pre-K to 4th grade are provided through Recreation Soccer. Youths ages 10-19 can participate in Suburban Friendship League (SFL) Soccer. Soccer programs also include camp sessions - three in the Summer and one in the Spring - where players can develop their skills, and Winter Indoor Soccer. In addition to year-round soccer programs, the club has Fall Sports: Football, Cheerleading, Field Hockey and T-Ball; Winter Sports: Basketball and Wrestling; and Spring Sports: Lacrosse, and T-Ball. Boxing is available year-round.Affiliated programs held at ABGC facilities for adults include Jazzercise, Zumba, and Tai Chi. Programs for youth include Kung Fu.