Electronics - Wilrijk, N/A, be
AntiStatic ESD Solutions (AES), is an internationally oriented company grounded with 18 years of experience in preventing severe damage caused by static electricity. Facing problems with static electricity, suffering from electrostatic discharges... How to get rid of Static Electricity... and how to eliminate Static Shocks...By using the most advanced Webshop, AES offers a complete range of high quality ESD-safe products. In order to guarantee this quality, only the strict quality control of AES determines which manufacturer is accepted and which products are allowed on our Webshop.As ESD-partner you lease an identical copy of our completely filled and ready to use antistatic-ESD-Webshop, personalized in your own "look and feel", SEO optimized, to rank on the first page in Google.OUR COMPLETE ANTISTATIC ESD ASSORTMENT:• Antistatic ESD Chairs• Antistatic ESD Furniture• Antistatic ESD Clothing• Antistatic ESD Shoes• Antistatic ESD Personal Grounding• Antistatic ESD Flooring• Antistatic ESD Table Mats• Antistatic ESD Storage & Warehousing• Antistatic ESD Electronic Tools• Antistatic ESD Cleaning Maintenance• ESD Training & ESD Support
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