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Antoine de Villiers, a true traveler hailing from the arid, northeastern part of South Africa, picked up a paint brush after a traumatic auto accident at the age of seventeen. A devastating event was turned into inspiration. After studying graphic and web design at the Potchefstroom University and Boston Business College, she gained international recognition as painter at the age of twenty three and had her first solo exhibition in Notting Hill, London two years later. Today Antoine has been devoted to fine arts for over sixteen years exhibiting throughout South Africa, Europe and is currently based in the United States. She works in a variety of mediums including oil painting, charcoal drawing, marble and metal sculpture as well as photography to explore the human form from an ‘honest and serene' perspective. Antoine is a veteran of over sixty-five exhibitions across the globe. Her work can be found in a great number of public and private collections as well as in the fifteen galleries that represent her.
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