Hospital & Health Care - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
The ANZSGM represents geriatricians and medical professionals who strive to provide the best possible health care and support for older people, working to improve their quality of life and well-being.The Society has over 1,000 members in Australia and New Zealand who work across all healthcare settings and are experts in managing the complex medical and related problems faced by older people. We treat many conditions common to older people, and through professional assessment and tailored intervention support older people to maintain their independence and remain at home.We contribute to maintaining a specialised skilled workforce to meet the future needs and challenges of a rapidly ageing population. We advocate for improvements to policy and social attitudes to recognise older people as valued members of our society.We see ageing in a positive light and recognise the importance of health for every individual irrespective of age. We know older people have a lot to contribute to our society and know professional care by geriatricians can be vital to support ageing well.
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