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The Australian Organisation for Quality - Queensland Inc (AOQ-QLD®) is the country's largest industry group in the field of Quality and Business Management. We are a membership-based association with over 500 corporate and personal members, with affiliates around Australia & overseas. Our worldwide representation totals an estimated 8000.The pursuit of quality is about achieving excellence in all facets of a particular activity, be it business, culture, sport, health, education or government. It involves firms, organisations and individuals having a clear and coherent vision of their goals and strategies. It also involves strong organisational leadership and positive management attitudes to both workforce and customer alike.AOQ-QLD® provides the business community with knowledge, expertise and assistance with integrating their management systems ("top down") including the legal requirements of governance and ethics, the regulated systems eg WHS/OHS (Workplace Health and Safety/Occupational Health and Safety), and environmental as well as quality, energy (energy conservation), risk, knowledge, continuity, auditing and compliance.AOQ-QLD® also offers services in all management systems and business excellence programs such as, environment, safety, customer service, lean six sigma. Developing and managing these systems builds the foundations for business improvement and puts an organisation on track to achieving excellence.