Online Media - Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India
In the largest democratic nation of the world, ApnaNeta will provide us with political knowledge, real facts and unbiased information on political parties, candidates, elected officials and their activities. ApnaNeta is a platform for people to question their leaders directly. Since public opinion is the essence of democracy, ApnaNeta will work as a bridge between people's expectations and opinions for their political leader's actions and words so as to shape the political structure of the country. Apna Neta will bring citizens together not only to support one candidate over another but even for defending and justifying our democracy.In the largest democratic nation of the world, ApnaNeta will empower people with correct political information and connecting them with their representatives so that political parties cannot misguide, misinform and mislead their voters.ApnaNeta is a platform for people to connect, collaborate and criticize those who govern them and those who wish to replace them so that political information is not getting manipulated for their personal interests. Since public opinion is the essence of democracy, ApnaNeta will catalyze shaping of the Indian Political System by making a bridge between people's expectations and their political representatives.ApnaNeta focuses on bringing citizens of India together so as to defend, protect and justify democracy.