Automotive - Frederick, Colorado, United States
1984 Marked the Future of RVing and Aqua-HotAqua-Hot Heating Systems, Inc. was founded in 1984 by Harold "Hap" Enander as Vehicle Systems, Inc. which manufactured and sold various RV accessories. Hap, an RV enthusiast, was always looking for better RV solutions, one being a better way to heat his coach and water supply. He wanted quiet, evenly distributed heat, and unlimited hot water when he had a continuous supply of water available. Because he was not able to find what he wanted, he designed and created his own system.Engineered for RVs, the quiet, economic system did indeed supply moist, even interior heat, and continuous on-demand hot water when hooked to a continuous supply of water. It also provided engine preheating, reducing wear and tear at engine start up. Hap called it the Aqua-Hot Heating System® and it revolutionized the RV heating industry. The story of the company's evolution unfolds from there.With such a great product, Hap knew other RVers would love it, so he hired additional employees and began product development and enhancement, resulting in a smaller unit a few years later called Hydro-Hot. As the product line began to grow so did the need for additional leadership. Paul Harter, an experienced leader in the manufacturing world, was brought on board to help reorganize the company, improve quality control, and facilitate diversification into other RV-based products and industries. Today, Selma Salihagic leads the team as General Manager and Aqua-Hot continues to lead the RV industry in the innovation of hydronic heating systems, while forging in-roads into other industries.Corporate Office and Manufacturing Plant: 7501 Miller Drive, Frederick, CO 80504
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