Electrical/electronic Manufacturing - Singapore, , Singapore
Aquaread is a multi-award-winning, designer and manufacturer of cutting edge water quality monitoring instruments. Aquaread is proud to manufacture an extensive portfolio of scientific-quality multi-parameter water testing equipment that is used in a number of countries throughout the world, designed to offer intuitive operation for testing of groundwater, surface water and wastewater. We distribute to a wide range of countries within Asia, including China, India, Malaysia, Japan and the United Arab Emirates. All of the equipment we manufacture can withstand varied environmental conditions, ensuring your results are never compromised.We offer a wide range of products to cover a wide range of applications. Our Hand held GPS Aquameter / Aquaprobe system leads the way in portable monitoring whilst our new AP-7000 long term deployment sonde, with self-cleaning, is perfect for long periods of unmanned monitoring.Our sondes are regularly used to monitor surface, waste and groundwaters as well as other monitoring applications such as the construction industry, process industry, brewing industry and the Fishery Industry. With the help of over 70 distributors across the globe Aquaread products are helping to protect the worlds precious water supply.
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