Waste/Recycling/Environmental - N/A, N/A, au
aquen™ provides a number of services to both private companies, Ltd companies, and government. Common services supplied are: Fauna surveys and monitoring aquen™ can organize biodiversity surveys and monitoring to collect biological and ecophysiological data from a variety of marine, freshwater and terrestrial habitats. Taxonomic identification of fauna and flora The laboratory is equipped with the necessary taxonomic resources to identify fauna and flora. aquen™ is expereinced in the identification of : •Freshwater macroinvertebrates to Family diagnostic level for SIGNAL and AusRivAs style health assessments; •Marine benthic infauna to Family diagnostic level or lowest practical level. •Stygofauna & Zooplankton identification •Marine and freshwater fish •Mosquitoes and midges •Ticks - hard ticks (Ixodidae) and soft ticks (Argasidae) •Phytoplankton, macroalgae, and seagrass identification •Littoral vegetation and macrophytes Data analysis and interpretation aquen™ can provide advice on survey design, data analysis and written interpretation for reports. aquen™ can analyse data applying univariate and multivariate statistical methods as well as Rapid Biological Assessment protocols – SIGNAL, AusRivAs and PET. Project Costs Costs to process biological samples are assessed on a per sample baisis. Hourly rates are applied to taxonomic assessment of individual specimens, field surveys and monitoring; data analysis and report writing. Other project costs may apply where applicable.
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