Architecture & Planning - Coco, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
ARCHI.LAW is a multidisciplinary professional firm that provides ONE STOP SHOP services for developers and investors in the Real Estate market in Costa Rica. We have offices in San José and Playas del Coco, Guanacaste.We guide our clients throughout the process of adquiring a property, all the legal aspects involved, planning, design, architecture, engineering, blueprints,permit processes, inspection and construction. Also, we have our self owned projects on which we might be interested on establishing JV´s with strategic partners.Our main operations are located in Guanacaste, from Arenal to El Coco, from Tamarindo to Nosara. Guanacaste is an area in which development has been affected by the global crisis; however, because of this same reason it has become very attractive to those who are looking for good business opportunities.