Information Technology & Services - , ,
ARCHIVE1024 is the leading software provider for migrating Mimosa NearPoint archive systems. We are a team of professionals committed to helping companies to correctly preserve their electronic information. We are passionate about both correct and complete data archival and in identifying and managing the risk associated with corporate electronic content. Our working history with archival systems and the business of managing and making archival data useful dates back to 1992, with implementing the earliest COLD (Computer Output to Laser Disk) systems on Wall Street for the largest broker dealers in the world. These systems are the earliest regulatory compliance systems (post micro-fiche) put into corporate use for complying with SEC (Security Exchange Commission) requirements for rule 17a-4. They have undergone multiple physical server migrations, complex disk, tape and optical media migrations and major operating system upgrades and changes including regular virtual migrations over the last decade (plus), and the original content archived on day 1 in the early 90′s is still searchable, viewable, readable and extractable fully-intact today as the same day it was originally archived.ARCHIVE1024 is a North Carolina base corporation, head-quartered in Charlotte, N.C. USA.
Amazon AWS
Microsoft Office 365