Sporting Goods - , ,
AirArmor Knee & Leg Protection Our Mission: AirArmor was developed more than a decade ago by an orthopedic surgeon to provide athletes with the finest knee and leg protection without compromise to their speed or agility in their sport. Studies of NCAA football players demonstrate that players wearing AirArmor in practice and in games, experience knee injuries at a rate 93% less than the rest of the NCAA football program and 89% less than athletes wearing traditional double hinged braces that were designed as post injury braces not prophylactic knee braces (PKBs). AirArmor was designed to be used as a PKB. How is this Possible: AirArmor uses a single stainless steel hinge (an aircraft quality bearing) and a Carbon Composite structure (similar to what the Boeing 777 uses) with over 100,000 PSI breaking strength. By restricting hyperextension forward and to both sides, knee injuries are minimized. By using a custom athletic girdle to support the AirArmor brace in the right place, there are no thigh straps to reduce blood flow to important muscles. This method also keeps the brace where it needs to be. Finally, because there are no hinges to bang against each other the athlete is completely unrestricted in speed and agility while wearing AirArmor knee protection on both legs.