Arts & Crafts - Dnipro, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine
To get the world acquainted with true Ukrainian art with national identity, its history and its soul behind was the reason "Art Treasury" was created for."Art Treasury" is about the best works of outstanding Ukrainian folk art craftsmen, born in this very historical place, which is considered to be the heart of national art. "Art Treasury" includes exclusive craftsmen's own single prototype works, made with careful preservation of all authentic technics and traditions of national masterpiece creation. These very works are the subjects for museums and private collections worldwide to value themselves on. Petrykivka Painting is included into World Heritage. It is the most authentic kind of Ukrainian art, a hallmark of our country, its history, beauty, and honor.For this very reason, "Art Treasury" is a perfect gift for connoisseurs of national art, business partners and foreign guests. The one who holds such a gift in his hands becomes an owner of a unique artifact of the true national masterpiece. Such an excellent artwork is completed with a container premium, containing a personal certificate with author's signature on it – the components, a brilliant present is made of. The recipient of such gift becomes an owner of the true national treasure of art. Our clients list includes commercial businesses, stage organizations, and completists. We are National Olympic Committee partners and the representatives of Ukraine on a global stage.Buying our products, you support the craftsmen, who, in spite of difficult historical past and unpredictable enough modern time, were managed to preserve national traditions and carefully protect them today.You make your historical contribution to preservation and augmentation of Ukrainian heritage of culture.You become an owner of a Ukrainian national culture symbol, which is the part of Ukrainian soul and country's huge, genuine heart.