Entertainment - São Paulo, State of São Paulo, Brazil
A Art Way Filmes está há 5 anos no mercado de dublagem, e já se destaca pela sua excelência na realização dos projetos.Filmes para cinema , Home video, séries, novelas, reality show, animações e institucionais são alguns dos trabalhos já realizados.Equipamentos de ponta e equipe altamente qualificada contribuem para esse sucesso.The Art Way Filmes is in the dubbing market for five years, and already got spotlight, due its excellence in the realization of each project. We offer the following services: Dubbing, narration, locution, transcriptions, mixing, creation and repairs in Music & effect for clients in many countries.We use high tech equipment and our crew is high skilled. Movies for theater, home videos, series, novels or soap operas, reality shows, animations and institutional videos are some examples of works we've already done. Also, they are available in the greatest streams services and medias.