Performing Arts - Anchorage, Alaska, United States
Arts Alaska was created in 2012 as a beta-test concept company. Founded on the philosophical principals of radicalizing diverse inclusivity by empowering individual artists equally to arts organizations and community leaders, facilitating collaboration though presence and acknowledgment in resource networking. Originating the terms 'community-connectivity' and 'arts alive', supportive of the initial 2013 website. Which beta tested an innovative 'community calendar' that featured all fine arts performances in Anchorage, Alaska as accessible though a Damien Hirst inspired, pop-up pop-art, 3-dimensional grid style calendar that equalized every arts organization and their events as free access available information in a non-compete context. This was designed to futurize through demonstration, community leadership and the quality of interconnectivity and opportunities to engage equally in cross-pollination of artists, organizations, and their patrons as unified collective. By late 2013, our founding team hosted a weekly Live radio talk show called the Arts Alaska Hour. In which we featured interviews of arts organizational leaders, resident and production guest artists to discuss their current and upcoming works though enabling call-in listeners to ask questions. Additionally, a team of artists representing different fine arts disciplines and organizations were selected to facilitate community development and communications, called the Anchorage Operatives. Which provided direct interpersonal referrals and educational resources, as well as community content marketing, volunteer services, and artist hires across community partnerships, providing a center point of community collaboration, discovery, and engagement. Created & Founded by Christine A Eagleson, with co-founders Dr. Db Palmer, Phd; David Braun. featuring collaborative designs with graphics artist Karen Larsen; original coding web development by Kurt Robar; radio show sponsorships by Tom Anderson