Management Consulting - Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Our purpose is to empower leaders to see with fresh eyes what needs to be done to have a healthy and human-centered organisation. We are a purpose-driven consulting firm. The systemic approach helps to acknowledge the situation as it is, bringing insights that gives fundamental and long-lasting results. Transformational change within an organisation is the most difficult thing to do and creates stress for leaders and teams. How to come back together into the organisation in a changed post-covid world is an example of such a challenge. Organisations strive to deliver their goals as well as being a place where people feel connected and valued, heard and seen, challenged and supported. However, we don't really see this happening. What is missing is the Systemic Approach. The Systemic Approach works with the whole picture, bringing a broader view of the issues and its impacts. We create a "living map" of the issue, giving you insights and a deeper understanding of possible barriers and older patterns that are not useful anymore. To understand and be more aware of the situation As It Is, is a first step for successful leadership and transformational change. We take leaders on the experience-based journey by looking through the systemic lens which goes to the core and to effective results very quickly. Testimonial:"By going through the mapping exercise it became very clear where the real issues were and I was able to come up with a much more coherent organisational structure".The starting point for contacting us is for situations such as:- change and transformation process- setting up of an organisation- charting a course of action- complex organisational and strategic challenges- desiring deeper connections and sense of belonging in the workplace- difficult challenges in connections within workplace & culture- merger and acquisitions- post covid changes