Media Production - London, England, United Kingdom
الشرق الأوسط : هي الصحيفة العربية الأولى في العالم التي تطبع في أربع قارات في 12 مدينة حول العالم . بدأت في لندن عام 1978 ، تم تأسيس الشرق الأوسط كناشر متخصص في عموم الشؤون العربية والدولية ، وتقديم تحليل متعمق للقارئ العربي برؤى متكاملة لمختلف القضايا والأحداث، فضلا عن تغطية شاملة لكافة الشئون الداخلية للعالم العربي بأكمله Asharq Al-Awsat is the world's premier pan-Arab daily newspaper, Printed simultaneously on four continents in 12 cities. Launched in London in 1978, Asharq Al-Awsat has established itself as the decisive publication on pan- Arab and international affairs, offering its reader's in-depth analysis and exclusive editorials, as well as the most comprehensive coverage of the entire Arab World. Mission: Asharq Al-Awsat was the first Arabic daily newspaper to execute satellite transmission for simultaneous printing in a number of major cities worldwide, and is currently the only newspaper to own the Arabic copyright of renowned international syndicates; The Washington Post, USA Today and global viewpoint.