Hospital & Health Care - Bristol, England, United Kingdom
Sensory Integration Network (SI Network) is a not-for-profit organisation, promoting education, good practice and research into the theory and practice of Ayres' Sensory Integration. Sensory Integration was developed by Dr. A.Jean Ayres, an Occupational Therapist in the US, in the late '60s and has now spread world wide as a treatment for many aspects of sensory and motor functioning. As the long established and recognised training organisation for Sensory Integration education in the United Kingdom and Ireland, the Network offers offers a range of courses about sensory integration and sensory processing difficulties and how these can impact on everyday life. Courses include a 1 day Introductory course that overviews of the basic concepts of the theory, assessment and treatment of Sensory Integrative dysfunction. Participants will be able to understand the principles of Sensory Integration and relate the theory to their daily work. Our 3 day training course focuses of the effects of sensory processing and sensory processing disorders and the impact on Attention, learning, emotion, behaviour and activities of daily living In partnership with the University of Ulster, Sensory Integration Network offers OT, PT and SALT's the Sensory Integration Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner Training Route (Modules 1- 4) as a pathway to recognition as an Advanced Practitioner of Sensory Integration, with opportunity to credit the awards towards a Masters qualification.
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