Management Consulting - Hong Kong, , Hong Kong
One stop service provider of the MBA and EMBA study programs and corporate business tours to the mainland China and Hong Kong. 我们为MBA和EMBA提供到中国大陆和香港学习交流和企业商务考察之旅的一站式服务。我们服务覆盖的城市有: Hong Kong 香港 Shanghai 上海 Beijing 北京 Guangzhou 广州 Shenzhen 深圳Asia & Partners offers customized short term business and study tours to China.Asia & Partners提供短期商务考察或学习之旅的私人定制和量身订做服务。We design our programs based on the background and preferences of our customer, and provide a possibility to include cultural and leisure activities.我们会根据客户的个人背景和喜好,进行量身设计,并尽可能提供一些深度文化体验和休闲娱乐活动附加在行程中。Programs usually consist of visiting companies (offices and production sites) and meetings with top-management or local entrepreneurs. 我们设计的学习项目通常会包含公司参访,考察公司环境和生产基地。最重要的是会安排跟被访公司的高层领导以及当地企业家进行交流学习。Upon your return home, Asia & Partners provides you with a summary report, pictures, and contacts of people you met.整过项目行程结束之后,Asia & Partners会为您提供行程中珍贵的记录,包括一份精心的总结报告、精彩瞬间的照片、以及整个行程中您见过的人的联系
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