Civic & Social Organization - South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia
The issue of the establishment of the Islamic Student Dormitory Foundation (YAPI) in 1952 was initiated by Mr. Muhammad Natsir the Prime Minister of the Republic of Indonesia, inspired by the way that Islamic Students and Islamic Students can learn to learn while struggling. This brilliant idea received a welcome dip from figures who care about Islamic movements such as; Prawoto Mangkusasmito, Deputy Prime Minister of the Wilopo-Prawoto Cabinet, Meester Sindian Djajadiningrat, Head of the Land Tax Office, later joined to become two of several people who founded the Islamic Student Dormitory Foundation (YAPI).The Islamic Student Dormitory Foundation (YAPI) began its activities on May 4, 1952 and was established before Raden Kadiman Notary in Jakarta on Monday, May 26, 1952.Some notable alumnus have been widely recognized such as Prof. Jimly Assidqi (The first Chief of Mahkamah Konstitusi), Irwan Prayitno (Former Governer of West Sumatra), Dr. Mulyaman Haddad (Former Deputy Governor of Bank Indonesia), Azwar Anas (Banyuwanyi Regent), Arsul Sani (General Secretary of PPP). On 2014, YAPI open its next boarding house, named by Asrama Wali Songo, which directed to be the center of future leader incubator mainly for Universitas Indonesia student and around.