Hospital & Health Care - Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States
Mission:Partnering for the promise of what health care should beVision: To be a nationally recognized, high-performing team of providers, serving as the destination of choice for high-value, people-centered healthcareWho we are?Atlantic Coast Health Network (ACHN) is a regional clinically integrated network (CIN). A collaboration between Holy Cross Physician Partners (HCPP) in Fort Lauderdale, Memorial Health Network (MHN) in Hollywood and Orange IPA in Miami-Dade County. ACHN brings together 1,600 physicians with approximately 160,000 covered lives. This collaboration allows physicians, ancillary providers and hospitals to work together with the goal of providing high quality, person-centered care. Founded by two well-known Clinically Integrated Networks, Atlantic Coast Health Network is a "Super CIN." ACHN recently added a third partner, an independently owned physician CIN with the intent to work together to break silos in our communities and advance our population health objectives. The ACHN approach to care is crucial to achieving a sustainable, high quality healthcare delivery system – providing value to patients, employers, healthcare providers and payers by delivering outstanding clinical care and outcomes while reducing inefficiencies, redundancies and associated costsWhat are the Benefits to our patients and strategic partners?Our regional clinically integrated network offers multiple benefits – to employers, providers and patients.• Physician-led organization• A diverse network of providers delivering high quality services across the continuum of care• Expanded infrastructure to provide high quality care at lower cost• Use of quality metrics shown to improve population health and health of employees• Platform to expand our presence through the addition of other providers or Clinically Integrated Networks
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