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Addressing Ohio science content standards: Making Weather Science INTERACTIVE, HANDS-ON FUN for Students and Teachers since 1995.Professional educators have long recognized the fascination that students hold for the weather – especially severe weather.But teaching them how tornadoes form, what makes the wind blow or why we can't feel the 300 or so pounds of air pressing down on the outstretched palms of our hands is often a real, lesson-plan challenge.Now there's an easier way!It's a ninety-minute, "Atmosphere Adventure" that you can bring right into your classroom with meteorologist, Jon Loufman.Jon makes learning about the weather FUN!He'll answer all of your students' tough questions right on the spot and give them weather insight addressing the Ohio science content standards that will improve their scores on the newest standardized tests.Then he'll leave you with the peace of mind that comes when you realize that your students have grasped and really understand the most difficult concepts about the weather.