Legal Services - Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
Andy Phillips, Chrissy Hamiel, Matt Thome, Jake Curtis, and Kylie Owens are incredibly excited to introduce you to our new firm. We all have unique and different talents. We all have distinct backgrounds and life experiences. But we ALL share a common vision for ourselves and our clients – we are focused on creating opportunity.You may mispronounce our name from time to time (it is ah-tole-us) and you may even misspell our name. But we would like you to remember why we chose this name. Attolles is a combination of the Latin words attollo (meaning "to elevate or raise up") and meles (meaning "badger"). Our name is our mission: providing, here in Wisconsin, the highest quality legal services to create opportunity for our clients. You will never question our entire team's dedication to your interests. And that is precisely why we created Attolles Law, s.c.