Consumer Goods - Fairfield, Connecticut, United States
Aunt Sassy Sauces was launched in 2010 with the idea of sharing a highly coveted and closely guarded family recipe with the world.\\Aunt Sassy Sauces founder, Leslie, was born and raised in Atlanta, GA before moving up north, where she attended college and later got married. As a child, she remembers folks all over Atlanta delighting in her aunt's "naughty sauce," a famous local recipe that is as addictive as it is versatile; whether used for BBQ, dipping, marinade or, umm, other situations.\\Naturally when Leslie's aunt was running the show, everybody wanted the recipe. But nobody ever got it. Years later, her aunt left Leslie the secret recipe in her Last Will and Testament.\\And the rest is history.\\The current generation remains committed to guarding Aunt Sassy's recipe. After all, folks from Atlanta know a thing or two about keeping recipes secret.
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