Promoting Christian Values. A party with a voice in the political conversation that can shape policy, promote and protect the values that create a better Australia for all, no matter what their faith and belief. A Political Voice For Christian Values. Australian Christians candidates are all committed Christians, seeking to be that voice. The church is faced with challenging and complex issues. Would you help us equip fellow Christians to make informed voting decisions? "It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible" President George Washington Australians share common core values, which whilst not unique to Australia, are expressed in our own unique way. Drawing on colloquialisms, our values include such things as being ‘fair dinkum', and the value of a ‘fair go for all'. Our society's values are based on our Judeo-Christian heritage, which are ultimately outlined within the Bible. Australian Christians recognise this. We are unapologetic about basing our policies, and core values upon this, our heritage. So, what are these core values? Honesty and Integrity: (being ‘fair dinkum')... Hope... Respect... Moral Law... Freedom... Justice... Sacrifice... For more information contact... National Support: National Phone : 1300 788 502 64 Canning Highway VICTORIA PARK 6100 National Office Address: PO box 4117 VICTORIA PARK WA 6979. Victorian Office: PO Box 258 Croydon Vic 3136 Tasmanian Office: PO Box 423, Launceston TAS 7250 Perth Office: PO Box 4117 VICTORIA PARK WA 6979 Register for updates at:
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