Publishing - , ,
Advocate, Youth Advocate, Retreat Director, Public Speaker, Survivor of CSA
I am the author of a series of books and articles addressing the issues of CSA (Childhood Sexual Abuse). - Long term affects- Recognizing victim signs of abuse- Undertsanding long-term CSA effects- Recognizing preditor habits- Reporting child sex offenders Books accepted in National Resource Library for Child Welfare in D. C., endorsed by Survivor's Inc. of Gettysburg. Written with consultation of Ray Rother, Ph.D., LCSW-C of Frederick, MD. * Mrs. McGillicuddy and her Friend Mr. Rude; a children's picture book for parents, counselors and therapists working with children. The non-threatening book is beautifully illustrated and gives adults a language for opening dialogue. A good diagnostic tool for counselors, and teaching children self protection skills and the empowerment to speak out. * Grace in the Shadows; book for adult CSA survivors , the families and friends of survivors. Provides insight to long-term effects of abuse, and the author's journey toward healing, and overcoming CSA trauma. An inspirational book, filled with hope and a message for healing. * Grace for the Pilgrimage; journal workbook for survivors of CSA (and other traumas). Uses lovely images, gentle poetry, meditation and writing exercises for personal exploration. A great tool for personal use, or with a counselor. Book is a tangible tool for planning the private journey to heal, encourages self pacing, and gentleness to self. * Creating Hope in the Shadows- educational and motivational PowerPoint presentation, for CSA prevention. Training tool for pastoral caregivers and parents, educational training tool for developing corporate and public responsibility.- Currently writing articles for: * Community Crime Watch, published by LMX Publishing, ©2010 LMX Holdings * OCP Newsletter/ OverComing Powerlessness * SIA Newsletter/ Survivors of Incest Anonymous
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