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The Autonomous and Unmanned Vehicle Systems Laboratory (AUVSL) was founded by Professor William (Robert) Norris in 2017.AUVSL develops solutions for real world government and industry problems, with a goal of building a technology pipeline from research to commercialization. We use multi-disciplinary approaches and state of the art technologies in systems engineering, machine learning, vision systems, mechatronics, controls, expert systems, dynamic modeling, industrial engineering, and sensor fusion. Undergraduate and graduate students engage in projects with deliverables involving hands-on basic and applied research in autonomy with applications on land (on-road and off-road), in the air and underwater. Please contact us to learn about opportunities for corporate engagement with the lab and newly formed center.AUVSL's Research Themes-Adaptive, Stable, Robust and Explainable AI for Control-Nonlinear Vehicle and Implement Control-Dynamic Modeling – system identificationExtended and Unscented Kalman Filters and AI representationsModel based dynamic planning-Sensor FusionVision with UWB/ Vision with LIDAR and IRMultiple System integrated terrain mapping-Terrain Mapping and Characterization-Multiple System/ Vehicle Interaction/ CooperationSwarming, Task Completion-Adaptive Human in the Loop Systems-Test CoursesRequirements generation, comparison, evaluationNavigation, ODOA, SafetyGoal - Create a modular, systems-based approach to developing a complete offroad autonomous navigation and task completion package