Design - Gurugram, Haryana, India
Autopoietic Design Cell is a desing house which houses all desing fields under its name. Its a desing house which explores the possibilites and extent of sharing concepts and ideas between different design worlds together.ADC has just launched a fashion brand called I AM ME. Fashion cannot be simply followed or stated, it is a way of life, a way of carrying around oneself. It is our very own attitude and style, therefore to follow someone else or a trend is as fake as putting some other face on your name.I.AM.ME is for the woman who are confident of themselves and need no trends to follow. They know their roots very well and want to play with that to create their own unique global and contemporary outlook.I.AM.ME women are proud, bold and blunt.I.AM.ME is to dress a woman not when she is already preparing hard to dress up, but it is for those times when she spends little or no time to dress, like for her daily work.I would not classify that as casual as no smart women would want to be casual at work or to be treated as causal at work.