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Availon is the global leader of multibrand service providers in the MW class. Today, more than 400 highly qualified employees attend to over 2,600 MWs. Almost half of them with full maintenance.Along with the headquarters in Rheine, Germany, and further German locations, Availon is also on site in Italy, Spain, Austria, Poland, Portugal and the USA. Further locations are being planned. The focus of the cooperation with our customers are their needs and wishes. Availon sees customers as partners and considers them equals for an open dialogue, from sole operators to energy corporations. The offer ranges from flexible, modular service solutions right up to full maintenance. Always contractually adhered to and implemented. Multibrand, particularly for GE®, Vestas® and Gamesa® WTGs. Services range from remote monitoring to cost-reducing upgrades and WTG optimisations to spare parts supply, even withmajor components. We always offer what makes the most technical and economical sense for the WTGs. And what offers customers actual benefits or added value.Availon relies on the expertise of its engineers. In Rheine and Hamburg, along with general optimizations, improvements for specific WTGs are also being developed. The engineering department is also a part of the pro-active fault analysis, allowing servicing to be even better planned for increased system availability and better yield opportunities.Our quality as well as our environmental and work safety is subject to strict ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001, certified by DNV GL Group for our divisions in Germany – Rheine, Hamburg and Erfurt; and also in Italy - Rome and Spain - Madrid.Vestas" is a registered trademark of Vestas Wind Systems A/S, DK. "Gamesa" is a registered trademark of GAMESA CORPORACION TECNOLOGICA, S.A., ES. " GE" is a registered trademark of GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, US
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